Monday, March 31, 2008

Kursus di Institut Diplomasi dan Hubungan Luar Negeri (IDFR) Kuala Lumpur

Hari ini merupakan minggu ke - 6 kami berada di IDFR KL untuk kursus Diplomatic Training Course. All I could say, this course has been very interesting for all of us junior diplomats. Bermacam ilmu dicurahkan. For the first few weeks, we learn bit and parcel of foreign language. We were divided into 3 classes for language. Spanish was the famous with highest student intake, about 12 followed by French and Arabic.

Selain dari itu juga, para junior officers didedahkan berkenaan dengan pelbagai aspek keselamatan sewaktu bertugas di Perwakilan Malaysia di luar negara.

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